Customer story: Allscripts

Allscripts, a leading healthcare software manufacturer, needs to host its applications securely and reliably. At Siros Management Solutions, we know that security and reliability can be tough to find today. That’s why we’re here to help.

In just three weeks, Allscripts lifted and shifted dozens of applications running on 1,000 virtual machines to Azure. With their data backed up by Azure SQL Database, Allscripts is ready for their digital future.

Your business can do the same. If you have any interest in a secure and reliable IT service provider, join with us and Microsoft to bring your organization to the next level.

Customer story: Providence St. Joseph Health

How does your business engage customers? Chances are, like many businesses, your system could use a little improving. At Providence St. Joseph, they must facilitate patient needs quickly and that means having instant access to patient history. Your team needs the tools to do the same and Siros Management Solutions knows how to help.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a powerful CRM tool that your organization can employ to streamline the information flow from customer to employee.

Contact us to find out how we can help you integrate a suite of Microsoft services to help drive your customer experience to new heights.

Making it rain with SunCulture and Microsoft Azure

Water access is the biggest challenge faced by African farmers like Monica Riitho in the Kenyan village of Matanya. But thanks to SunCulture’s solar-powered irrigation system running on the #MicrosoftAzure IoT platform, they now have a chance to thrive. Learn how by watching this short video, then contact us at to discover how innovative Microsoft technologies like Azure can help your business thrive.