Customer story: Shell invests in safety with Azure

With branded retail locations all over the world, Shell was finding it difficult and expense to monitor safety on an enterprise scale. That all changed when it moved to Microsoft Azure to take advantage of its deep learning technology. Today, Shell uses Azure deep learning technology to monitor thousands of hours of video footage and filter data to find potential safety concerns in real time. Watch this video to learn from Shell’s story.

Migration guide for Windows Server

Migration is part of the standard set of operations in any datacenter. IT pros are constantly trying to find new ways to enable their companies to benefit from new features and functionality. By breaking down the migration process into a few simple steps, you can effectively manage your migration. At Siros Management Solutions, we help companies get the most from their migrations. As industry experts, we take pride in our ability to help businesses effectively manage and optimize their platforms before, during, and after a move. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

Prepare for Windows Server 2008 end of support

The Windows Server 2008 end of support is fast approaching, Microsoft won’t be releasing the security updates that keep you safe. It’s the end of an era. But it has created an opportunity for users of Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 SQL to shift to Windows Server on Azure. If you’ve been putting off your transition, you may find it helpful to have the guidance of experienced professionals. At Siros Management Solutions, we have years of experience helping firms like yours to shift their data across solutions and platforms. Contact us today to find out how we can help make your journey easier.

Transforming facilities management with Dynamics 365 at Microsoft

Microsoft real estate manages almost 600 buildings in more than 110 countries and regions around the world. When implementing change became too tedious and frustrating, the company adopted Dynamics 365 to unify dispersed management tools. At Siros Management Solutions, we can help your company use Dynamics 365 to streamline operations and cut out unnecessary management steps. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help.

The Right Secure Hardware for your IoT Deployment

With more IoT devices and solutions flooding the market and more companies adopting these assets, ensuring the safety of your data is a concern for every business. But securing your IoT solutions end-to-end can be an intimidating task. At Siros Management Solutions, we know that security is a major factor in staying up-to-date with current trends and the latest tech. We want your business to have the tools you need to succeed, and we can help you do so in the safest way possible. Contact us today to find out more on how we’re prepared to help your business drive digital transformation securely.

3 ways modern sales productivity technologies drive results for high-growth SMBs

A recent study shows over 40% of SMB leaders expect to invest in automation and machine learning, signifying a shift to analytics-based sales interactions and decisions. With Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional, Siros Management Solutions can help your sales organization make the shift.
This benefits businesses by shifting low-value work away from high-value employees, but it is also beneficial to employees by allowing them to focus on the more engaging and dynamic aspects of their work.

All of these advantages are accomplished through sales productivity technologies such as Dynamics 365 for Sales Professional. Want to make your sales more profitable and interesting? Contact us to learn more.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

For many businesses, making decisions without the full picture can lead to problems. Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations helps enterprises make smarter decisions quickly, transform business processes faster, and enable rapid business growth at global scale. Integrating new solutions can be challenging. A Microsoft partner, Siros Management Solutions can help. Contact us.

How IoT Can Help Your Organization Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Not sure how to connect your IoT? Azure IoT Central is a fully managed IoT software-as-a-service solution that simplifies how you connect, monitor, and manage your IoT assets. This end-to-end solution enables you to create connected products that bridge the digital-physical gap. It’s a great platform, but if you’re unsure on how to adopt it, you need Siros Management Solutions. We’re industry experts, and have helped dozens of business just like yours to find the solutions they need to succeed. Contact us today to find out how we can help you stay in control of your connected products.